Guest Artist Regulations

Created: 3 May 2023, 17:31:50 PDT
Last updated: 3 May 2023, 18:49:41 PDT

- Guest Artist Rules and Responsibilities -


Welcome to the Gorgi Guest Artist Handbook! By becoming a guest artist for the Gorgi Cafe,

you agree to abide by and follow all the expectations below.



- General Expectations -

  1. You will be respectful to the Gorgi community, as you reflect that community in a more official capacity during your time as a GA.

  2. Guest artists are not admins or mods, and while we appreciate the help we ask that all concerns or questions be directed to staff.

  3. There will almost always be at least two GAs in any given month, please be aware of this and plan accordingly.

  4. We don't often choose new Guest Artists until close to the end of the prior month. That said, we do not bar you from designing customs/prepping adopt batches as soon as you have been notified that we wish to have you join us for the current month, but they may not be sold until you are onboarded for the month.

  5. All income made as a GA is yours to keep. As such, you must be old enough to receive such income in order to be a GA.

  6. All designs (adopts, gachas, breedings, customs, etc) that your receive payment for must be completed before the end of your month as a GA. Last minute orders / unexpected events may be discussed to allow for slight extension, but they must be brought to a staff member first. If we do not know, we cannot help!

  7. GAs may keep/make themselves one design each month that they are a GA, up to rare rarity. This includes mutations, within reason. Abuse of this will result in us limiting mutation use and rarity for GAs. You must produce at least three designs/breedings/customs in order to retain the right to make yourself a free design! This is to help prevent abuse of simply applying in order make something for just yourself.

  8. We appreciate help with free gacha events, point breeds, the monthly free raffle breed and other non-paid events, but we do not expect them! We want GAs to feel rewarded for their time. If you do wish to pitch in on any current events that may occur while you are a GA, you're more than welcome to! Just know that it is not an expectation of you to do so.



- Adoptable Rules -


  1. You may create adopts on any of our current bases. On base adopts must be flatsale at the following costs: 

    • Common: $15 USD

    • Uncommon: $20 USD

    • Rare: $30 USD

  2. Off base adoptables must start at the above pricing minimum but can be priced as you please, auctioned, OTA's at the above minimum value, etc.

  3.  The above pricing CAN be flexible, please approach staff to discuss differentiating pricing. We're normally alright with this for bulk batches, mini events, gacha adopts, unsold adopts, etc.



- Breeding Rules -


  1. You are not required to offer breedings.

  2. You may breed using any of our current bases, or you may offer off base breedings.

  3. On base breedings must be sold at $15 USD.

  4. Off base breedings must start at the above pricing minimum but may be sold at your own higher value.

  5. When completing breedings, traits that pass are left to your choices unless they are exclusive. Use your best judgement. Members may use guaranteed trait passing vouchers, in which case they can request that a specific trait be passed to all pups in the litter.

  6. When breeding pups, please contact staff to have mutation rolls completed prior to designing. They will let you know what passes from parents or randomly or ask another staff member helping with rolls to reach out! All exclusive traits also have a pass rate unlike standard traits. Any time an exclusive trait exists on a parent, its pass rate must be rolled for.

  7. All breeds have a litter roll percentage. You may use Koivu Bot in our discord or ask a staff member to roll for you with .roll 1d100 : 1-75 is 1 pup, 76-99 is 2, 100 is 3. (75% single litter 24% double litter, 1% triple litter). If the voucher has a +1 Pup Voucher they may cash it in for an additional pup in the litter. They do not get to know that # rolled prior (unless you do not provide off-base triplets in breeding and need to notify them that the breed is on base only).

  8. You may limit their +1 vouchers to on base litters only if you so choose.

  9. You are not required to accept free breeding vouchers, please specify if you wish to!

  10. Members can breed using gorgis from others, however permission must be verbally provided by the other party/parties that they are allowed to do so. Pups will always go to the buyer, not the person loaning their gorgi for 'stud'.

  11. Gorgis are magic, a stork brings them their pups, therefore the sex of either gorgi does not matter.

  12. To avoid abusing mutations through breeding and general other problems down the line we do not allow inbreeding to immediate siblings, parents, or grandparents/children. You can check this by searching the gorgi's masterlist # to see their relations. As such, only gorgis on the masterlist may be bred.

  13. Gorgis with traits covering the coat (ei, melanism, albinism, piebald, patches) should have an approved undercoat provided in order to be bred, so that assumptions aren't having to be made on pup designs. Solid colored gorgis considered solid colored and not of the above, may simply be accounted for in how that color may reflect in pup designs.




- Custom Rules -


  1. You may create customs on or off base.

  2. On base customs should match $20/25/35 USD (Common/Uncommon/Rare).

  3. Off base customs must start at the above price minimum but may be sold at your own value.

  4. Common to Rare traits may be used on customs.

  5. Common mutations may be used on customs at any time, but uncommon+ mutations must be applied with a voucher provided by the buyer. The only time this is different is if the custom itself is rare, in which case up to 1 uncommon mutation may be utilized without a voucher (to match the rare MYO regulations).




- Gachas, Games & Giveaways -


  1. Guest Artists are allowed to run giveaways, DTAs, WTAs and mini gachas. Please run your plan by staff for approval prior to doing so!

  2. Mini Gachas should still account for rarity if done on base. 

    • Commons: $10 a pull
    • Uncommons: $15 a pull
    • Rares: $20 a pull
  3. Off base gachas can be charged similarly at minimum.

  4. Gachas using other means of entry or across the board costs may be discussed with staff!

  5. DTAs, WTAs, FTOs and other Giveaways are allowed. We ask that you be responsible in the traits/mutations you use and have the right to request that a design be redone if it is stacking overwhelming high value traits that may be taken advantage of.

  6. Please make the rules for your raffles/giveaways clear, set minimum standards that all entrants must abide by.

  7. All freebies offered by GAs should be run by the admins to ensure things remain balanced



You may apply to be a GA by clicking HERE


Rules and regulations are subject to change as needed at any given time.
You will always be notified of changes when they are.
Thank you!