Submission (#41) Approved

9 February 2023, 17:40:17 PST (1 year ago)
9 February 2023, 22:14:30 PST (1 year ago) by Miss_Hades


It was a gorgeous day out at Benbrooke. The sun was high and shining brightly, which was the perfect weather to create an ideal balance with the chilling breeze that was accompanied with thick glistening snow cones that gently danced on their way down. The town was starting to be painted by the most awaited mantle of snow.

Every Gorgi loved when it snowed. Even if they hated the snow on its own, a snow day meant fun things for everyone. Pups got to stay home and make snow figures. Parents got an excuse to make hot chocolate and warm foods. Other adults just preferred to stay home by the chimney and read the newest book I'm town. Or re-read their favorite series for the uptenth time. Snow was the perfect excuse to break free from obligations. Of course, this wasn't always the case, but it was still exciting for those whose works were related to snow and everything it involved. Snow plowers held snow wars and competitions on who was the fastest. The winner often invited the other a warm beverage as a reward. Some times they would invite the other for a warm dinner at home. If the Gorgi was old enough they'd offer to cook any dish the winner wished to eat that day.

However, the most exciting thing that happened when snow came around, was snowpeak. The best event ever where Gorgis climbed up the mountain to explore and prove how cool they were. And there wasn't a cooler Gorgi in Benbrooke than Chad.

Chad was a pretty chill guy. No pun intended, of course. He was easy going and helped everyone that requested his help. However he had some unspoken price for his services. And that price was to be paid in compliments. The more praising they were, the better. His ego was to be fed more than his muscles. And that was saying a lot as Chad was pretty fit. In facthe lived inside a Gym. His gym to be exact. The Gym's name was "Chad's Lifting Barks". To no one's surprise of course. Chad was a little too proud of everything surrounding him and his life.

When he heard about Snowpeak signups he rushed towards the back of the gym, where his room was. If we could even call it that. His room looked more like a gym extension. Maybe for when he couldn't Sleep at night or when the gym was too full. In any case, he clearly was a minimalist. The bed was just a cushioned sleeping bag. There was a tiny drawer, and an even tinier closet. The rest of the room was full of yoga mats, dumbells, weight lifting machines, and many other stuff. Too many to name them all. Heavens Knows how he ended fitting everything into his room.

In the wall there were many sticky notes. the messages were all color coded. There was, however, one brightly colored sticky note that stood out from the rest of them. It was icy blue colored with a sketchy drawing of a mountain. It read: "SnowPeak, todo list: " He carefully picked it up and walked to a corner where a transparent sealed container laid full of very neatly folded bags.

He reached into the container and started to get bags out in an orderly manner, careful not to mess the folding of these.
He reached out to the very bottom and found one of many hiking bags he possessed. This one was black with a blue marbled texture. It was going to be easier to spot dark colored bags within the snow, but also it had the blue ink be glow in the dark, for when the night fell, he would also be able to spot it. He absolutely loved that bag. As much as he loved his glasses, and that was his most prized possession.

Referring to the list, he nodded. First element, check. He had gotten his favorite back out of storage. After making sure everything was intact he gently placed everything back into place and sealed the container once again. Dusting himself, out of habit not out of an unkept room floor, he got up.

Placing the bag on his shoulder he carried it over to the next corner of the room. The one where the drawer resided. There was a smaller container stored in the back of one of the drawers. Out of it he took some snow gloves. Those used for skiing and other abrasive cold sports. He tried them on. Opening his paw and closing it again to make sure they still fit perfectly and were in the best state. After feeling satisfied with the comfort of the gloves he took them off, placed them back at the box and put the box inside the designated climbing bag. That was the second point of his check list done. He was making quick yet important progress on his tasks for the day. Perks of being obsessively organized.

He took a break to lift some weights. Leaving the bag on the floor near the door, so he could easily find it later, he went back into the gym to hit some weight lifting machines. He had been training a new routine for the past few weeks. That way he would be more prepared for the climb. The exercise was intensive but meant as a precaution. He also made sure he was being careful and not over exceeding his own limits. Pushing them, yes. But never enough to hurt himself in the long run or exhaust his body before the big climb.

It had been a good few hours, and Chad was still lifting weights at the gym. Some distractions happened, but he pushed through. Some Gorgis approached him to ask for some routines help. Others approached him just to praise him. It fueled him, so those close to him did it often during his training, and other Gorgis that end up watching his show off join in the compliment session. It's fun for everyone, but it's funnier for Chad.

After taking a shower to wash all that workout proofs, Chad sat down on a bean bag. Which happened to be as comfortable as his bed. He looked around the room taking one long breathe. He was going to be away from this surroundings for a long tlme. It was weird, most of his time was spent in this gym. The times he went out was solely to hang out with friends or helped anyone who came in asking for his help. Shaking the thoughts away he walked back to the door and picked up both the climbing bag midway filled and the sticky note with the to-do lost.

The next thing in his to do list was to get some clothing. But dressing himself up was no easy fit. Even more when he needed to get ready for such a special event. There were going to be so many Gorgis out there. He couldn't be there looking anything less than his best. Standing in front of the mirror he started testing each and every single coat he had. Discarding the ones that didn't felt as comfortable to him, he folded them back into their original folded state. Gently ordering back inside the drawer he continued with another batch.

The next batch had one of his favorite coats ever. It had the gyms name stamped on. The logo was a muscle in an L shape while holding a dumble. Chad's lifting bark was written as a circle around the logo. The color was bright blue with cream colors, enough to match his pelt but different enough to be differentiated from his body. Satisfied with his election he went ahead and packed the now folded coat into the bag. He also picked another coat with the same similitudes but this time in black. He was only going to wear this one as a replacement of the other one had something happened to it. It's better to be safe, even more up there.

Checking the list, he noticed he had a few more other stuff to pack. The next thing he needed was snow proof boots. He didn't have that many to pick from, so he just went for the ones that looked the darkest, strongest and steadiest of them all. Chad then proceeded to check the shoelaces. Changing the shoelaces with new ones he made sure to triple check their strength. Packing a second pack of shoelaces in his bag to make sure they would always be nice and tight. Safety first after all. That was one more thing checked off his to do list. He was slow but steadily getting everything done at a quick pace. He would be done before the sun fell for the day. Which meant he would have plenty of rest for his climb up.

Chad only had about two to three things left to pack. However before he could continue with it, however, his alarm rang. Going over to turn it off, he left the bag on the floor once again. The alarm meant it was time for Chad to take his vitamins. Even more with snowpeak around the corner, he was supposed to power up for the strong travel that awaited with his climb up the biggest and coldest peak in Benbrooke.

Getting into the kitchen he opened a cabinet with many suplements. He took down many things down. He was going to drink a protein shake to accompany his vitamins. The shake, according to him, tasted magical. But in reality it looked... questionable, to say the least. No Gorgi in their sane state of mind would willingly drink that. But Chad preached how good and amazing it was. And he claimed the results paired with the butt load of exercises he made truly paid off. The most ironic thing is that he wasn't being paid to promo this product at all. Yet he did as if it was his own.

However, the product that was indeed his own were the vitamins. He customized them and had a little business selling them. Not many bought them, but it made his little narcissist heart flutter whenever he saw them. Bonus points if he saw them on another Gorgis house. He was about to open the package for a brand new bottle of vitamins and a brand new protein shake container. Heaven knew what the shake was about, but his vitamins were clearly made to revolve about him and things from his daily life. The vitamins had the logo of the gym, but their name was "Vita-Chad".

The vitamins came in yellow, cream, blue and black. His characteristics colors. There was a more potent version called "Super V-Chad" that came with obnoxiously neon colors. These clearly had a higher dose of vitamins per gummy. They also came in pills, but let's admit it. Gummies are always more fun than boring oval shaped pills. He picked out a knife to open the container. The sealing plastic patch it had was almost impossible to open without cutting yourself or struggling with it. It was obnoxious for a reason, but it was still bothersome.

After opening the vitamins Chad took a moment to appreciate them. They came in various dumble shapes, sunglasses, muscle flexing positions and of course a flexed paw holding a tiny dumbell. They clearly screamed Chad whenever you saw them. Taking both his suplements and his vitamins he proceeded to finish packing.

Chad packed a sleeping bag, the only one he had, surprisingly. He went off to a box and picked some glasses that could with hold the steep cold up on the mountain. He also got some gogles to help him on the climb, but he was more interested in the glasses. In fact, he even added the strap on so they would be tight and secured on his face. Had to look cool at every possible moment. After entirely finishing his daily routine and packing up, he went to bed to rest for the upcoming adventure.


Reward Amount
Snowpeak Steps 995



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Pocket Knife Pocket Knife Snowpeak Starter Items N/A 1
Vitamins Vitamins Snowpeak Starter Items N/A 1

Dia's Bank

Currency Quantity