Snowpeak 2022-2023 Event

Created: 14 January 2023, 14:38:02 PST
Last updated: 22 January 2023, 13:29:37 PST

snowpeak mountain 2022-2023

(Art from last year's event by CanofWeirdness)



Welcome to snowpeak mountain!


Light flakes of snow drift down from the clouded sky, as it has been for the past week now. You shiver slightly at the cold temperatures as you arrive at your destination, your thick fur only able to keep you so warm. You peer through the snow in your vision in order to look up at the seemingly endless mountain towering before you, large crystals of ice gripping the sides of the formation. The light reflects off of one such block of ice, shining right in your eyes, causing you to wince at the brightness as you read the sign before you.

“Welcome to Snowpeak Mountain”

It is that time of year, everyone! Snowpeak Mountain has arrived! We are following similar mechanics to last year simply for the sake of testing how it all runs on our shiny new site! On the off chance there are any sort of mechanical issues, staff will be around to help manually correct things as needed. If for whatever reason this site launch goes sideways, we will take to either discord or DeviantArt for the remainder of the event!

Your task is to scale Snowpeak, all the way to the top! Why, you ask? Well, that’s where the only gorgis can be found that have the restricted Ice Gore trait. The mountain can only be scaled during these freezing times, meaning this is your only chance until we reopen next year!

  How to join


Your first task? Pick your adventurer gorgi! Don’t have a gorgi? No problem! If you are a new member without a gorgi, you can ask a friend to ‘borrow’ their gorgi for the adventure! If nobody has a gorgi to use, all players have permission to use RILEY.

The same gorgi must be used for all of your prompt submissions, as it’s meant to be a complete story! Ideally everyone should be using a different gorgi, but if you and your friend need to use the same gorgi, we will understand!

Now that your gorgi is all picked out, you’ll need to get ready for an eight-prompt adventure! Comment below to begin your adventure!  Your first comment should simply state that you plan to partake, and include a link to the masterlist page of the gorgi you plan to use. Since this site is new, if your gorgi has not been uploaded here yet, you may link their devinatart masterlist image instead! Before you begin on the first prompt, we would recommend waiting until a staff member replies to you. Why, you may ask? Well, to begin your journey, we will be rolling two single-use items for each participant. Each item has a different use, which can be seen below. Each item must be used within the prompt to count (drawn or written about) unless otherwise specified. These items may not be sold/traded and are locked to your account! They will be removed once they are used, or come the end of the event if they are not used.

You may check your INVENTORY  at any time to see what items you currently have!


how it works


This year, Snowpeak will be a prompt ladder! This means that you will complete each prompt in a specific order. We have eight prompts that must be completed within the four-week span of the event in order to fully ‘climb’ Snowpeak and get your ticket into the Ice-gore adopt raffle!

As the last section mentions, you begin your journey with a comment below so that we may roll your first two items.  Prompts must be posted in order, or they will not count! Steps and items will be rewarded upon promopt completion. All of these process through staff approval so that we can adjust your step award accordingly! If you are skipping prompts or doing them out of order, without having used an item that allows you to do so, your submission will be denied. It can be resubmitted when the skipped prompts are completed properly.  Steps are the currency for this event, and each step is equal to one biscuit. As such, you will be able to exchange your steps for biscuits after the evet ends if you do not use them!

You can view how many Snowpeak Steps you have at any time by going to your BANK!

Instead of comment chain prompts this year: prompts will need to be submitted through our PROMPT PAGE.

To do this you will upload your piece to our EVENT GALLERY.  and copy the URL to your submission (or copy it from an external upload if not uploading on site). When to the gallery you will be asked to select which prompt you are uploading for! This will denote what the submission was for. When submitting to the PROMPT PAGE you will link to your gallery submission so staf are notified that a prompt has been submitted for review. Because of this you are not required to track a chain below, though you are more than welcome to continue to share or discuss in your comments even so!
While they must be submitted in order, all prompts are visible for this event. You can view them HERE.

Your other redemption options for biscuits are gachas and our grand prize raffle! We have one gacha running this year. There will be a mix of wintery adopts, pets, items, upgrades, vouchers, etc available in the gacha. It will not refill once it's empty! More information will be updated here when the gacha goes live on the 22nd! It will cost 200 steps to enter this year, and as such you will need to have at least that in order to purchase a ticket!

The other option, as mentioned, is to redeem your steps for extra tickets to our grand-prize raffle for a pre-made gorgi with ice gore! Upon completion of the prompt ladder, you will receive your first ticket. You cannot purchase any other tickets for this raffle until you have completed the prompt ladder and gained your first entry. Additional tickets will be 250 steps each. Adopts with this gore can ONLY be found during this event, meaning this will be the only adopt with this gore until the next Snowpeak comes around next year!

Obtaining additional raffle tickets will be done so by crafting a recipe out of 250 Steps. More information on this will be released on the 21st!

It is important to keep in mind that there are only so many steps you can earn in this event. Once you finish the prompt ladder, you are done. Unless you have items that allow you to do so, you cannot go back and edit previous prompts to earn more points. For that reason, please take your time, and enjoy your travels up Snowpeak. Aim for maximum points the first time, and think carefully on where you plan to spend your steps.


reiterating important links / TLDR


  • All prompts can be found HERE
  • You will submit your piece to the SNOWPEAK GALLERY  and then copy the submission link. This also allows you to link for you characters to the piece and any additional artists if collabing.
  • You will then submit to the PROMPT PAGE  that corresponds with the piece and link your gallery url order to have your piece approved for rewards. (You can link to an external upload if you do not wish to upload here on site.)
  • Purchase GACHA PRIZES
  • The raffle ticket creation has a RECIPE UNLOCK once you have completed all prompts
  • Raffle can be viewed HERE
  • You can check what items you have at any time by opening your INVENTORY
  • You can check your currency at any time by visiting your BANK


grading system

The grading system for this event is very similar to our currency system, though it does have it’s differences. Please be sure to read over them to ensure you know the differences and are not surprised by the steps you earn. If you have any questions or concerns about the steps you earned for a prompt, please feel free to contact any member of staff!

Sketch = x0.25 steps
Colored clean sketch = x0.5 steps
Clean lined/colored = x1 steps
Headshot: 50 steps
Halfbody: 100 steps
Fullbody: 200 steps
Additional Characters: x0.25 of character value each
Background: 50-150 steps depending on complexity
50: Background is present but lacks details
100: Background is present and the character fits into the scene (ie not just pasted onto a background)
150: Background, midground, and foreground present (occasionally will give without foreground if details are high enough)

Shaded: x1.5 (Shading should be consistently present in the piece. Minor shading in only some areas will not count.)

500 words = 100 steps
1000 words = 200 steps
1,500 words = 400 steps
2,000+ words = 600 steps

As mentioned before, there are multiple ways to use your steps. Each of these shops will be unlocked the further you climb up the mountain. They will all open on January 21st.

CURRENCY CONVERSION ----  1 step -> 1 biscuit

Biscuits cannot be converted back into steps!


Anything else?


Feel free to ask questions in the comments or on the discord!

Snowpeak will end on Feb 12th at 11:59PM PST. Good travels to you all!


BearDrool Avatar

Dunkin missed the whole thing, but he's here now :) He might not have enough time to finish, but I hope he can still try!

2023-02-12 17:19:55

Miss_Hades Avatar
Miss_Hades Staff Member

You've taken with you a STICK and an ICEPICK!
They have been added to your user inventory.

Safe travels!

2023-02-12 18:06:37

Starfruit Avatar

Nyx will be joining this adventure
I hope the TH is ok for now as she doesn't have a DA yet!

2023-02-05 17:35:46

Miss_Hades Avatar
Miss_Hades Staff Member

You've taken with you a SLED and a POCKET KNIFE!
They have been added to your user inventory.

Safe travels!

2023-02-05 19:57:04

obsessivewitch Avatar

Finally deciding to join in with Torren - !

2023-01-27 09:24:31

Miss_Hades Avatar
Miss_Hades Staff Member

You've taken with you a ROPE and a POCKET KNIFE!
They have been added to your user inventory.

Safe travels!

2023-01-27 20:43:31

Dia Avatar
Dia Staff Member

Chad, the coolest Gorgi of all time, is ready for the coolest adventure. finger guns

2023-01-26 19:22:38

Miss_Hades Avatar
Miss_Hades Staff Member

You've taken with you VITAMINS and a POCKET KNIFE!
They have been added to your user inventory.

Safe travels!

2023-01-26 20:27:50

CicerOrator Avatar

Alright! Let's see if Vragi can make it up the mountain;

2023-01-22 15:36:03

Miss_Hades Avatar
Miss_Hades Staff Member

You've taken with you a BOTTLE and a POCKET KNIFE!
They have been added to your user inventory.

Safe travels!

2023-01-22 17:31:59 (Edited 2023-01-22 17:32:14)

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