Mysterious Figure

Mysterious Figure

A strange figure lurks at the foot of the mountain. He introduces himself as Aysus this time, Xafeyr's companion. He seems shy to lower his hood however. Atop his table sit some unpainted morvid masks, buckets of paint and hand woven collars. He offers to exchange them for mask shards and fur tufts so he can make more.

He also offers to take any of the strange ice cubes that haven't seemed to melt yet - in exchange for a currency swap.

You can swap ice cubes for currency, or exchange tufts for shards and vice versa HERE

(Split out list)
1. Fur Tufts for Mask Shards
2. Mask Shards for Fur Tufts
3. Fur Tufts for Ice Cubes
4. Mask Shards for Ice Cubes


Blank Mask
Blank Mask
Cost: 5 Mask Shards
Paint Bucket
Paint Bucket
Cost: 5 Fur Tufts
Woven Collar
Woven Collar
Cost: 7 Fur Tufts