New Site News!

Posted 27 November 2022, 16:06:40 PST :: Last edited 28 November 2022, 06:01:09 PST by KnightZeke Posted 1 year and 7 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 7 months ago by KnightZeke

New site news!

Hello hello! I'm so excited to share the starting process of our brand new site! Starting in December, news posts for the gorgi cafe will be posted here on site, though we may continue cross posting onto deviantart depending on the traffic here until everything is transferred over!

At the moment you need to verify your account through your deviantart account, but the discord will be pinged when other verification processes are live so that you can change your primary alias to your main social instead!

Please don't be scared to report errors or bugs to us using the report options here on site or by letting us know in discord. We've got a thread running for site feedback as well where you are more than welcome to converse about features, ask questions, voice concerns etc. 

Thank you so much for your patience as we begin our masterlist transfer process! We're so excited to be moving to our own website. It'll streamline much of what we do manually, giving us more time to begin expanding on lore, prompt options, games and much, much more to begin building a more immersive experience for all of you!



CanOfWeirdness Avatar
CanOfWeirdness Staff Member

Hype hype hype!

2022-11-28 11:18:38

BearDrool Avatar

Loving the progress! :D

2022-11-27 21:40:28

AncientEldritch Avatar

So excited!

2022-11-27 18:15:17

Ayauran Avatar

Looking forward to it~

2022-11-27 16:44:49

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