May 2023 Newsletter

Posted 3 May 2023, 17:32:51 PDT :: Last edited 30 May 2023, 23:15:49 PDT by Miss_Hades Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 weeks ago by Miss_Hades


welcome to our MAY newsletter

Gorgis are currently most active on DISCORD, though you are not required to be in the server to partake in the species!


Hello hello! Apologies for the dip in activity lately! We are back and currently mass transferring our masterlist onsite! At the moment, this move is our highest priority. Once everything is moved, we will begin updating information, new trait and mutation sheets, and begin reworking our map and our home page! You may also see things on our discord begin to shuffle about while I work on overhauling everything to make things sleeker and easy to flip through. I appreciate all of you for your continued patience as we find our footing again! I adore this community and I am eager to place it at the forefront of my attention once more!


Mid to end May we will be having a discord exclusive mini-event so be sure to check in for more on that! This event will roll out teasers to new and exciting features and pets, as well as tie into this year's Mount Tinder lore! Mount Tinder will launch June 7th! It will run similar to last year.


Monthly free breed raffles will start up again next month once the masterlist is caught up!



We have no May guest artists but I would like to roll out guest artists again starting in June!

Consider applying HERE!

Please make sure you have read up on our Guest Artist Regulations prior to applying!


* If you applied prior please do so again! I have cleared out all form entries up to this point for a fresh start so we weren't reaching out to uninterested artists! *


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